What’s the Ideal Overhang for Coping Stones?

Peter Overton • October 26, 2021 • Aluminium Coping

Right, let’s talk about wall coping – it’s essential when it comes to protecting the exposed upward wall face from all kinds of relentless weather damage. Without it, rainwater and all sorts can seep into the structure, weakening it over time – and no one wants that.

Now, before you buy any old wall coping, you need to get your head around how much overhang you need, and what material is going to be best for your project. At a minimum, we’re talking 10mm of overhang – but, as a general rule, we always recommend an overhang of  25-35mm to account for clear drip channels. 

Bear in mind, coping stones come in a variety of sizes, so the amount of overhang you need will vary by project. Plus, you’ll want to consider design – a greater overhang might mess with the aesthetic finish you’re after. However, when talking about protection, a greater overhang means more protection for your wall. 

Installing aluminium wall coping is pretty straightforward – learn how in our recent post.

Do Coping Stones Need a Drip?

Coping stones absolutely need a drip channel, if you want to keep your walls safe and standing for years to come. You see, a good drip channel gives the water somewhere to go – far away from your wall.

Top tip: When you’re purchasing coping stones, make sure there’s a drip channel moulded into the side length of the coping – this ensures that when water moves down the coping, it drips off rather than running underneath where it can damage your wall. 

How Wide Should a Coping Stone be?

As with most things, there is no one size fits all – the width of your coping stones will depend entirely on the size of your wall. The good news is, most coping stones come in a wide range of sizes and widths to suit. 

At Kladworx, our aluminium wall coping comes in widths starting at 182mm right up to 1022mm. We also offer a wide range of different shapes and sizes in 25 different colours to help you create the perfect finish on your project – seriously, we’ve got something for everyone.

How Thick Should Coping Stones be?

The height, or thickness of coping stones varies depending on the materials used. For instance, if you’re using weathered stones, you’ll notice different heights across the project to create a gentle slope that directs water to flow away from the wall. Common thicknesses include ranges like 90mm to 75mm, 75mm to 50mm, and 65mm to 50mm.

For twice weathered coping stones, you’re usually looking at somewhere between 75mm and 100mm, though this depends on the width of the stone’s base.

If you’re considering aluminium coping stones, our Alumasc range comes in thicknesses from 2mm to 3mm. Want to know more? Get in touch with us, and we’ll happily guide you through the best aluminium wall copings for your project.

What Material is Used for Copings?

The good news to everyone with a project in mind, is  that various materials are available as coping stones – from high strength concrete, to brick, clay, terracotta, cast stone, tile, and even slate. Coping stone can also be made from wood and thatch, however, we recommend aluminium coping stone for their durability, weight, and appearance. 

To find out more about stone vs aluminium coping, read this article today!

Aluminium Wall Copings at Kladworx

We proudly offer a range of Alumasc aluminum coping, custom-made for your to suit your project’s needs. Whether you need 3m length aluminium wall coping, junction wall coping, stop end wall coping, or 90 degree angle wall coping – we’ve got what you need in a variety of widths and colours.

Need a little guidance? No problem! Get in touch with us today, and we’ll help you find the perfect solution for your build. We offer tailored advice and, for those based in London or the South East, we can arrange a site survey to make sure you’re getting the right materials for the job. Let’s make your project a success!

Peter Overton

Accompanied by over 30 years of experience within the external construction sector, my skill set extends to many areas. As Director of Kladworx, I have oversight of every aspect of the business. I manage all of the general operations at Kladworx with this role including sales, marketing, and finance.

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